

Technology is hard

Jun 13, 2023 by Danielle Nowell
I'm not old enough to wear I struggle with all technology, but i'm not young enough to be masterful at it either. I'm sort of in between where I can figure out most things but still struggle with others. In my current case, I'm trying to link this blog site to my author website. I managed to get it half-way done but it doesn't fully work. It's not even like coding or anything like that. I don't really know what it is. Something about exporting the hml files or something like that, which I did, except clicking on the blog tab on my site just causes it to spin then gives me a 504 time out I don't really...

First Post

Jun 11, 2023 by Danielle Nowell
This is my first blog post and I wasn't sure what direction I wanted to take it in. I figured I would just say something like "hey! this is my first blog post!" and leave it at that. Then I thought, well why not write something a little more profound for my first post. I could write about why I write, what my inspirations are, etc. I could write about how I don't know what to write. I'm using this website that seems a little advanced for me but I'm sure I will figure it out. If you've made it this far, thank you, and welcome to the ramblings of my mind. I hope you'll stay a while and join...

Living a good good life

Jun 11, 2023 by Danielle Nowell
Daily writing promptWhat are the most important things needed to live a good life?View all responses

What is considered to be living a good life is very subjective to people I believe. Some people are very materialistic and require a lot of stuff to consider themselves living a good life. They need the expensive purse and clothes and cars to consider their life good. Others pride themselves on their connections; their family and friends. For them, all they need is to have some good people in their life and to them, they're living the good life. Some people want experiences. They want to travel, go to concerts, and do things. For them, that is living the good life. For me, to...

Living a good good life

Jun 11, 2023 by Danielle Nowell
Daily writing promptWhat are the most important things needed to live a good life?View all responses

What is considered to be living a good life is very subjective to people I believe. Some people are very materialistic and require a lot of stuff to consider themselves living a good life. They need the expensive purse and clothes and cars to consider their life good. Others pride themselves on their connections; their family and friends. For them, all they need is to have some good people in their life and to them, they're living the good life. Some people want experiences. They want to travel, go to concerts, and do things. For them, that is living the good life. For me, to...

A favorite person?

Jun 11, 2023 by Danielle Nowell
Daily writing promptWho do you spend the most time with?View all responses

My husband and my two dogs, along with my coworkers since I'm always at work.

I made a boo boo.

Jun 11, 2023 by Danielle Nowell
So I had a website at, it was my author website where you could find out more about me and my books. I wanted to connect the blog to my website, so when you go to my website you could click on blog and see the wordpress stuff. Somehow, I connected the accounts and made wordpress the primary, and so now when you go to the website it says it doesn't exist. I don't know how to get it back...if anyone has any idea how to fix it please reach out to me, I worked really hard on my website for it to just be gone. :(